The University of Bologna (UNIBO) is recognized as the oldest university in the Western world and one of the largest in Italy with about 88,000 enrolled students, 11 Schools e 33 Departments, 4 campus areas in the Emilia-Romagna region and permanent headquarters in Buenos Aires.

Research staff is made of 5,600 people, of which 1,700 PhD students. Research products are around 13,000, registered patents about 177.

UNIBO offers a large number of services supporting research, innovation, knowledge transfer and participation in many European programmes, focusing more on European Research programmes, especially FP7, but also other programmes such as Lifelong Learning Programme, ARTEMIS, ENIAC and Cleansky JTIs, AAL Joint Programme, Life, Alfa Programme, Tempus Programme, Interreg and Daphne III.

Referring to European funding programmes, UNIBO has achieved a total financial aid of about 69 million Euros with 221 funded projects – acting as coordinator in 44 of them.

The Department of Education Studies of UNIBO is one of pioneers of the field world-wide, with over 30 years of integration, teacher training, research and counseling experience.

The Department includes 28 professors and 45 researchers belonging to four subject areas: Cultural Anthropology, Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology. Since its creation, these areas have pursued common research goals, including: learning assessment, training and educational models, lifelong learning methodologies, didactical digital contents, media education and teacher training.


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