Development and Education Centre Novo mesto, 16th May 2018

The Hey! Teachers, don’t leave the kids alone is an Erasmus+ project that aims to empower both teachers engaged in children education and students (together with their families) in practical skills that allow them to handle daily challenges more effectively, and enhance their ability of inclusion and their level of social wellbeing in a sustainable way.
The aim of a Multiplier Event on 16th May 2018 was to present the project on the local and regional level as well as to help teachers, students and their families to improve their social skills and encourage inclusion amongst children.
The event started with the conference within the Learning Parade’s professional part.
After the first, plenary part, Development and Education Centre in Novo Mesto organized two raft rides on the Krka river. Professionals took a ride on the first raft, and the other one was open to public. Both rides on the Rudolf’s rafts were a very interesting experience for all of the attendees.
On the first raft ride, Ana Rokvić Pinterič (a psychodrama and psychotherapy specialist) introduced sociodrama – a dramatic play, which aims to help people in their interactions with others. Those, who were on the raft learned a few new techniques that can be used in the classroom as well as in every-day life.
The day was full of interesting events, because of the nationally celebrated Learning Parade 2018 – Days of learning communities (an enrichment of the Slovenian Lifelong Learning Week), which has been organised annually in Slovenia for the past 23 years.

(Skupno 119 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)