Seminars for teachers/professionals in education.

The seminar will be focused on inclusive teaching methodologies (identified in WP1), professional and interpersonal skills that can be applied in work context.

The seminars will be developed in order to examine (in WP 3 – piloting) the most valuable training scenarios and training methods (in order to create O2- training tools).

Each partner  will select (among the schools identified at the beginning of the project) and send 3 primary school teachers to a 5-day training in Italy. Specific shared tools for the selction of the teachers (including selection criteria, selction procedures to be adopted etc.) will be provided by the WE.  The teachers must have relevant professional experience and they have to dela with situation of potential or real exclusion of their students and their families. They will be trained in how to use the training tools  according to the project methodology. The programme will be developed and coordinated by the WE, that will develop overall plan for the conduction of the trainings. The plan will outline the main features for the courses. Upon implementation, the partners will be able to adopt it to their needs concerning their national specifics.

The design of the seminars for education professionals will take place after the analysis and collection of data and Best practices done in the WP 1. The foundation for designing the courses will be a report resulting from WP 1 which will state main needs of the target group with relation to skills that will enhance their level of inclusion. The partners involved in this activity have in their teams sociologists, trainers, organisational consultants and education professionals experienced in working with students.

Also training manual to be used by the participants will be designed and translated to the languages of the partners.

The partners will also create a questionnaire in order to receive feedback from the participants of the  seminars and assess the value of the skills learnt during the seminar.

The seminars developed under this package will be the foundation for the piloting phase that will allow fine-tuning of the content and methodology of the trainings, and the creation of the training tools (and the protocol).

Main milestones for the work package:

  • Elaboration on the objectives of the seminars
  • Elaboration on the methodology for the seminars
  • Elaboration on the training program for the seminars (at least 3 different seminars)
  • Elaboration on training manuals for the seminars
  • Elaboration on questionnaires for assessment of the seminars
(Skupno 614 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)